31 July 2012

How to Check, Before You Buy Samsung Touch Phones

   While buying a touch mobile phone, we don't check each and every element in that mobile phone. Mainly we check the Touch sensitivity.

   How if, you check the LCD, Microphone, Speakers, Vibration mode, Touch, Dimming and others in a very easy manner and also with in a minute. Many of the Phone provider, Accessories shops and Repair shops won't share this information.

   Just type *#0*# in your Phone pad in your Samsung touch phone. It will take you the screen with named LCD test.

Display - You check the display whether it shows correct color format, by touch the Red, Green and Blue buttons, you can able to see the specific color on the phone and touch anywhere on the screen to revert back to the LCD test screen.

Receiver - By touching the receiver(white) button, the background will change to white and you can able to hear a music when you place it to your ear.

Vibration - For checking the vibration mode, simply touch the vibration (black) button, then the background will change to black color and you can to see the phone is vibrating.

Dimming - By selecting the dimming button, you can able to see color Red, Green and Blue which was placed horizontally in a dim mode. touch any where on the screen to toggle to bright mode. After checking the dim mode, press undo button of your phone and it will takes you the LCD test screen again.

Megacam - This button also work in a similar way, when you touch it will shows the camera view and by touching the undo button, it will revert back to the test screen.

Accelerometer Sensor - It will gives you the angle which you place your phone and in a raw data format as well as angle data with x,y,z co-ordinates. There is a image test too, you can checking whether the image the can toggle for portrait and landscape mode.

Magnetic Sensor - Like accelerometer sensor, this magnetic sensor also have all there x,y,z co-ordinates and in addition to that, there will be Azimuth, Pitch and Roll data to check your magnetic sensor.

Touch - There will be a checker box display, after you touching the touch button, if which you can able to check you touch you touch sensitive and as well as how accurate it was.

Sleepmode - By touching the sleepmode button, phone will now enters the sleep mode.

Speaker - You can hear your current ringtone on your phone, by touch the speaker button and touch it again to stop it.

Sub key - You can able to check the sub key too. Enter in to the sub key mode and touch the sub key, the color of the screen will change to red for the left sub key and blur for the right sub key.

Enjoy this feature and check the Samsung phone before you buy and also before you give it to servicing. Now no more phone service man can bluff you.

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