24 April 2013

10 Precaution While Using Mobile Phones

Mobile phones communicate using signals in the microwave spectrum. The invisible stream of RF (radio frequency) signals penetrate our bodies when the device is held close, and as well as the long-term potential for cancer, there is also the potential to impact cognitive memory functions and to cause disorientation and dizziness. This article explains how to take precautions when using your cell phone.
1 - Limit phone calls to those that are absolutely necessary, and restrict these to 6 minutes maximum, which is the time the body needs to adjust. Use a hands-free kit and hold the phone more than 20/30cm away from your body in order to limit the impact of radiation on yourself. 
2 - Do not carry your phone directly on your body, even on stand-by, and do not use it less than one meter away from another person, in order to reduce the effect of 'passive' radiation. .
Precaution of Using Mobile Phones
3 - Those under 15 should not use a mobile phone at all because they are still growing. With their lighter body weight the radiation is more damaging, especially to the brain, weakening the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB), and to the reproductive organs/ovaries, etc.
4 - Any elderly person should be discouraged from using a mobile phone, as well as anyone in a weakened state (the radiation will weaken their organism further), and any pregnant woman. Microwave radiation is readily absorbed by the amniotic fluid in which the embryo and then the foetus develops. .
5 - Use the phone only in conditions of optimum reception: do not use it in a confined space such as an elevator, basement, underground station, caravan, etc. In these situations the strength of the signal both sending and receiving is much greater thus the radiation is much more intense.
6 - Do not use the phone while you are in a moving vehicle, including the train, bus, etc, since its antenna will be constantly scanning for contact using the maximum signal strength, and the radiation from both incoming and outgoing signal will be intensified.
7 - Do not use the phone while in any vehicle, even when stationary. An enclosed metal container produces the "Faraday cage" effect, which maximizes the damaging impact of radiation, reflecting not only on the person phoning but also on other passengers, especially children. Thus it is essential to step out of the vehicle before making a call. .
8 - Do not keep a mobile phone beside the bed at night switched on, because even when on stand-by it is in contact with the nearest phone mast and emits radiation at regular intervals. .
9 - Equip yourself preferably with: 
- a mobile phone with the lowest possible SAR rating (= Specific Absorption Rate of microwave radiation by human body tissues). The regulation limit is 1.1W/kg for eye-sockets and cheeks. 
- a phone with an external antenna, because even if it is less trendy, the omni-directional antenna broadcasts with maximum efficiency and therefore uses a weaker signal than one with an inbuilt antenna. The fashion factor matters less than the health factor. .
10 - Use of a mobile phone should be avoided by anyone who has any metallic object in or on their head, whether magnetic or not, such as amalgam fillings and dental bridges, metal plates, screws, clips, body ornaments, earrings or metal framed glasses. The same is true for those with walking frames, wheelchairs or metal crutches, so as to avoid increasing radiation by the phenomena of reflection, amplification, resonance, passive re-emission, etc... .

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