Now a days, there is a rapid increase in blood pressure patients all over the world. A survey of WHO in 2008 telling that more than 40% of adults having blood pressure. If you are one of them, don't stress too much, you balanced your blood pressure naturally.
For this blood pressure, diet control is very important. You have to eat food those have low cholesterol content. Daily once, you have to take raw vegetables or fruits as your food. From this food, you can get more energy even you consumed less.
For this blood pressure, diet control is very important. You have to eat food those have low cholesterol content. Daily once, you have to take raw vegetables or fruits as your food. From this food, you can get more energy even you consumed less.

Especially Tomato, Papaya, Banana, Guava, Date fruit, Mango, Pineapple, Orange, Apple, Young Coconut, Sugar cane and Water melon in fruits and Carrot, Lady's Finger, Little Gourd will reduce the formation of cholesterol level in blood vessel.
While eating vegetables or fruit, you have to eat it with skin, then only you can get full level of fiber in that food, This fiber actually protect the formation of cholesterol in the blood vessels and as well as it can slowly removes the sediment cholesterol. For note Radish is rich in fiber.
You have drink at least four liters of water everyday and it helps flow of blood through vessels, purifies the blood and also maintain the blood pressure level at normal. Also important you have to reduce your food consumption 25% and 50% of your food should be fruits, vegetables and greens.
Weekly once take fasting one time in day period and make sure you finish your dinner between 7 ~ 8 PM.
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