31 August 2012

Setting up 10 Free Email Addresses for Your Domain

While buying a domain name, the domain name providers will give us two or three free email address with yourname@domainname.com, but most of the free services will be limited. They can't limit your barriers to move forward, while you have Google Apps for Small Business for free.
Google Apps for small business offers 10 free email addresses if you having your own domain. This email services will work alike as Gmail. With the created email addresses you directly login to gmail login page by using user name as yourname@yourdomainname.com.
Step 1:
Go to Google Apps for Small Business and in the domain name type in your domain address and submit. Then fill out the form below and create an account. After you account is created, you can able to see the below screen.
Domain Control Panel Window
Step 2:
Now you have to verify your ownership that you are owning the site. There are few verification methods like uploading the html file below the head tag and click the below link to verify, you can verify by you Google Analytics code and the simplest way is adding meta tag to your site and verify it. For reference see the below screen shot.
Copy those meta tag and paste it your web template just below the head section as shown the screen shot below. Then click the verify link and you are done for Step 2
Step 3:
Adding your team and creating email addresses for them. With this free application for the small business, you can able to create 10 free email addresses and go for Step 4
Step 4:
These is the step where you can direct email to Google apps mail. There will be a welcome page and the next page will be the user and groups, there you can play around with some options. Then go for the Set up your apps tab to select the mail flow from the Google servers or from your domain name service providers. 
If you want to direct your domain's mailflow to Google's servers, you need to change your domain's MX records. Do this only after you've created a Gmail user account for everyone at your domain.com, since once you redirect mailflow, only users with Gmail accounts will be able to receive mail.
Go to DNS settings for your webpage. there you can find
Your Current MX records...
Priority     Points to
100          MX1.MAILHOSTBOX.COM
100          MX2.MAILHOSTBOX.COM
You need to replace with these MX records... (Delete all your current MX records)
Priority Points to
After add those MX records, then click the Next button. But anything you changed in the DNS might take 24 hours to update. If you want to use other mail client like Microsoft outlook, Windows mail(IMAP) and others you can choose the options.
Then followed by setting for the mobile access for you email's, in this you can choose how to setting up to Android, Blackberry, Iphone, Windows Phone and other mobile phones.
Now you can able to use Google Apps together with your email addresses.

This free version is no longer available, but still you can have a free trail and Google also offers you Rs. 270 / user / month for Goggle apps for Business and Rs. 540 / user / month for Goggle apps for Business with vault. Please follow the same step above to setting up your email address for domain.

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