16 March 2013

Prevent Hair Loss Naturally

Now a days, most us problem is hair loss. This is due to so many reasons. Everday it is very normal to loose
80 - 90 hairs per day, but usually replaced by new hair. The reason why hair loss or hair fall is due to

  • Stress
  • Hereditary
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Infection of the scalp
  • Illness
  • Poor diet and nutrition


  • Include in your food, which are rich in iron, protein and zinc.
  • In take adequate amount for water, because it has vital part in hydration and also flushes out toxins from our body.
  • Make your stress as low as possible.


  • Tying your hair tightly.
  • Drying your hair virorously
  • Treating your hair with chemicals

Prevent hair fall

Coconut milk: Grind the coconut with some water and squeeze out thick milk and massage the milk in your hair roots for 2 to 3 times a week.

Gooseberry: Make the gooseberry in to powder and mix with henna paste. Applying gooseberry oil will also prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.

Fenugreek Seeds: Make the Fenugreek seeds soaked in the water for about 8 hours and grind it to paste format. Apply in to the scalp and wash your hair after half an hour.

Egg white: Apply egg white on the scalp and wash your hair after 20 minutes. It control hair fall and nourishes because of protein in it.

If there is mild hair loss, the above said will work. If it was too severe, kindly seek for medical help.


Anonymous said...

I got more hair before marriage and my hair looks very silky and soft,
But after marriage it started to fall very much and now my hair looks very dry and broken (For example a man after electric shock)
How to prevent and maintain my hair now??? please advice...

thi said...

Dryness and broken hair is due to lack of oil and moisture, but in your case stress level also take a part in dry hair.

The dry hair is caused due to poor diet, presence of chlorine in water in which used for washing the hair.

If excessive shampooing is done, hair will loose it natural moisture. Before shampooing your hair, apply some natural oil like coconut oil or olive oil. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash with mild shampoo.