12 March 2013

Caution When CFL Bulb Breaks

  Now a days CFL (Compact Florescent Lamp) is widely used in our day today life, because of it's lesser power consumption than other lamps, but it will be dangerous while we accidently breaks it.

   If the CFL bulb breaks , please immediately evacuate from that place. This the alert given by British and American Environmental agencies  because Mercury and Arcsinc are very poisonous which was inside the CFL bulbs.

  If that air is inhaled or splashed on your skin will causes migraine headache, Affects your brain, Body Movements and skin allergy.

If CFL Bulb Breaks,

* Immediately evacuate from that place and after 15 minutes only you can clean that.

* Don't use vacuum cleaners for cleaning that, because the mercury balls will stick to your vacuum cleaners and it may extended to your next room, while you vacuum cleaner.

* Wear rubber gloves before cleaning.

* Collect the all the broken bulb materials and the Mercury in a plastic bag and seal it. Don't throw it in a normal waste bin, throw those items in to a hazardous bins.


Anonymous said...

Good information Thiyagu

Anonymous said...

But difficult to find a hazardous bin in India...

Anonymous said...

Thanks i just dropped CFL :)

thi said...

Thanks for your comments, Yes of course,It is very hard to find Hazardous bin in India. But in all major cities are now implementing door to door waste collection on streets, You can tell them this is Hazardous material, can't put it in normal waste bin.