10 March 2013

Colors Vs Human Emotions

Colors will affect our mood in different ways and most of the time we didn't realized that is influencing our moods.

The color we prefer is depends up on the ambient temperature. People who are cold will prefer warm colors like red and yellow, and people who are hot will prefer cool colors like blue and green.

Over two centuries, research is carried out which color determines which mood. But there is not consistency which color will express which mood. This will vary from country to country and climatic conditions are also affect it.

The literature research is based on certain domains, first a part from history with Goethe and his color theory, then a more global overview of color-meaning from Claudia Cortes. The following are the few literature references about color theory.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Color Positive trait Negative trait Emotion
Yellow Purity, Pleasant unpleasant Joy
Yellow-Red Energetic Irritating Powerful
Red-Yellow Energetic, Warmth, Passive Happiness
Blue Comfort void, cold Sadness
Red-Blue Active Restless Discomfort
Blue-Red More Active More restless Discomfort
Red Seriousness, Dignity, Grace Faith
Green Calm, Neutral Calm

Claudia Cortes

ColorPositive traitNegative traitEmotion
RedActive, EmotionalOffensive, EmbarrassedAnger, Love
OrangeAmbitionTiringJoy, Determination
YellowLively, Energetic CautiousFear, Happiness
GreenCalm, NeutralGreedy, SickFaith, Greed
BlueFaithful, TraditionalDepressedConfident, Sadness
PurpleLeadership, PassiveArrogant, SorrowIntrospective, Melancholic

But there is no evidence for determination of specific moods for specific color. It will differ from person to person and their Geo-graphic limit also determines that.

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