04 May 2015

Printing Web Pages What You Like

While exploring some web pages like wiki how ( How to protect your self from cell phones) , you find an article very interesting and you want to print that article for your references. While you hit print, there might be some unwanted stuffs like ads and sidebars, but you actually no need that on your print out.

Copy and paste url of the webpage you need to print
          How if you got only the article rather than all unwanted stuffs in that web page. There is a web page called PrintWhatYouLike, in which you can remove those unwanted stuff in the print.

      Hit that web page in your address bar and copy and paste the url of the web page you want to print and you can remove those unwanted stuff by using Isolate, Remove, widen, Resize it and you can save the particular web page in to to multiple clips as you like after sign up.
Printing Web pages What You Like

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