21 November 2017

4 Lady's Finger a day can cure a lot

    Lady's finger is the vegetable which got plenty of uses when it is soaked for a while and drinking the mixture.

    If you grind or boil you will loosing it nutrients. It has a lot of nutrients like Pectin dissolves bad cholesterol in the body, magnesium that regulates heart rate. Pectin contained in bunches controlling the ulcer and also got lot of beneficial bacteria.

    Take four lady's finger vegetable and remove the head and tail part of it, then cut it vertically to make two pieces from each of it and put the pieces
in to a large bowl. Then pour drinking water in to bowl, until it immerses the lady's finger. We need to leave it eight hours, so it is better to make it at night and drink it the morning.

    As this got magnesium which will increase the red blood cells count in a faster rate to get rid of anemia.

Dry cough, Throat infection:
    As it contains anti bacterial and anti-septic particles which cures the thoart infection.

Diabetes :
  As it got insulsin, it will hepls to maintain blood sugar level.

Bad Cholesterol :
  As it conatins dissloveable fibre, which has lesser calorific value leads to reduction on bad cholestrol.

Metabolism :
  It will promote digestion by removing toxins out of our body.

  As it contains vitamin "C" and various anti-oxidant, it will helps us to increase the immunity.

  As it got calcium and folate which increases in growth rate of the child of a pregnant woman.

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