20 November 2017

9 Possible Risks, While You Skip Your Breakfast

    As we are on the hurry in the early hours of the day, few of   us skipping the breakfast. If anyone asks about it, we simply say "I have no time to eat my breakfast". Don't say it, seldom you should say like this " I didn't make time for my breakfast"

    Do you know one thing, if you skip the breakfast you are   eventually has risk of getting problems like indigestion, ulcer, gall bladder stone, diabetes, excess fat,   DNA problems, Headache, Depression and Lesser brain activity.

    The break-fast means you are breaking the fasting of 12 hours after your yesterday night dinner.
So don't skip your break fast.

  If you want get most of the energy from your breakfast, then   you should follow the Japenese Water Therapy. Which is to   take 4 glasses of water everyday immediately you get down   from the bed. This will give better results.


Anonymous said...

Oops, I won't skip my breakfast again.

thi said...

Thanks for your comment. It is a pleasure for me, if you don't skip the breakfast after reading this post.