20 November 2017

For Mid-night Whatsapp and Facebookers

     Human body is the most complicated machine and there will be lots of secrecy in it, One of it is biological clock system. There will be a one secretion gland at the head named Pineal gland which controls the biological clock system.

     It will sphere in shape and will be connected to the nerve system of our eyes. This glands secretes a rare product called Melatonin during night time, which will cure cancer cells. The gland will identifie
s the the dark night with the use of our eye nerve system.

     This Melatonin will started secreting at 10 PM and stops at 5 AM , it will passes through the blood vessels. If our eyes visible to the light, it won't secrets. If you are the Mid-night Facebook-er or Whatsapp-er or Whatever you are loosing a natural medicine for the cancer, which our body itself is creating.

    So we need to go to bed early and wakeup early to get rid of cancer. Also early in the morning there will a ozone (O3) very near to us. Those who are waking up early can inhales the o3 which will cures lots of diseases and increase our life span,this was proven by scientists.

So go to bed early to get Melatonin and wake early to get Ozone.

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